I feel really depressed.
For some reasons.
I am going to hide and cry.
Boo hoo hoo...
Am I really forgotten?
11:30:00 PM
Hi people!
Sorry for neglecting my blog. :(
Is and was buried in homework.
I look like a panda now...
I didn't do well at all in the common test.
I think I failed...
I am extremely stressed out right now.
Alright, I shall give a brief overview of my miserable week.
Monday was my birthday & Kia Hieng's. ^-^
I got lots of presents.
Thanks guys!!!
Thanks Denise!!! Love yours the most. :D
Apparently, many also forgot my birthday.
It's so depressing.
Had physical training during softball.
Oh my gosh!!!
Almost died...
Did so many stomach exercise and all that utill yesyerday, I can't laugh, cough, sniff, or even sit up after lying down!!!
Poor me.
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, I forgot what happen.
Remeber, I have bad memory.
If you have too, HI-FIVE!!!
So don't even bother to remeber too many things in life.
It's really tiring.
Today is Kimberly's birrthday!!!
Sorry I can't make it to your party.
Hope you enjoy yourself. :D
Happy Birthday Kimberly!!!
Denise's birthday is coming. :D
To Denise:
If you read this, too bad. I am not going to tell you what I'm giving. :p Don't stress yourself guessing too.
Boys Before Flowers ROCKS!!!
The korea drama even made it to i magazine and I bought it!!!
Fine, I shall agree with Xinyu that his fiance is quite cute.
I don't dislike her. But I don't want her to go with him... :(
(I think only Xinyu know what I'm talking about. Nevermind.)
I saw the news that Kim Bum met with a car accident.
Though it's a little outdated but poor him anyway.
Hope he recover fully.
( I bet no one knows what I'm babbling about, except Xinyu. Still, nevermind.)
I can't wait for episode 17 & 18!!!
Lee Jun Ki still rocks! :D
I'm not going badminton anymore...
What a pity.
But life still goes on.
Have quite a lot of homwork that has been accumulating...
I already don't have time to sleep okay?
Poor me.
My goal is to finish all my homework (hopefully) by tomorrow.
It's a little impossibe.
Wasn't that positive? C=
Now I need a little motivation.
I know!
If I finish, I shall have a free day to go out by myself! (If I get permission of course.)
Mua ha ha ha!
I should go now.
Ta-ta guys!
I love myself.
So I should:
- do my homwork
- get more sleep
- eat more chocolates
- shop more (Quite impossible. Anyways, when was I a shopaholic???)
- eat more anyway
- perserver during P.E. & Softball
- do well in all the common test coming up
- improve on everything I am not happy with...
It's raining now. Good-y! I just am saying this for a reason. >_= It didn't rain for almost one stinky month already!!! Hello?! This is Singapore for goodness sake! It's supoose to rain very often. Look how people have confused poor Earth!!! The grass are all burnt already. x_x
Now is really goodbye.
Miss Denise loads.
9:48:00 PM
School just started for a few weeks.
I am already buried in HOMEWORK!!!
I seriously can't take this anymore...
I need to vent all my stress!!!!!!!!!!!!!( If there is such a thing.)
I am going to die!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If I really die, do not burn my homework!!!
Boys Before Flowers ROCKS!!!
I miss Denise!
Shall start being optimistic again now...
School rocks!!!
DHS is really fun. Just that I always procrastinate and not my to do homework... I flunked the stupid LA presentation thing today. AND I am the LA Rep.!!! But over all I think my group done okay. The slides that I did do suck. Sorry group.
Bought the scientific calculator today. I'm going to decorate it really nicely. :D
Anyway, today is World Thinking Day. Saw Anny in her Girl Guides Uniform. She looked and looked but didn't see me... oh well. :)
The day passed quite quickly or I think it's just I forgot what happen. I have a serious case of short term memory lost. Very very serious.
But I do remember something.
The damn "fly" tried to make me fall when I walked past "it". He kicked me knee!!! Darn him.
After LA, I kicked "it" back. :D Sweet revenge.
Softball toady wasn't PT! Yippee!!!
I can't seem to throw the darn ball at the right place with the right strength. I already used all my strength! MUST IMPROVE!!!
Must go Anglican High tomorrow to watch the match. Don't want to... I'm very very very tired. Missed don't know how many hours of sleep already. I look like a panda already.
Is there a haze or something? Every morning I wake up and the place seem so smokey.
Can those stupid people stop trying to kill the Earth???
Chop some more trees here and there,
create more pollution everywhere,
the Earth is really going to die.
Don't you idiotic people chopping trees see this coming???
"Respect Your Mother!" (I got this from the a t-shirt. =p )
I bet Denise will agree with me.
I miss Denise!!!
My birthday is coming soon!
Bye guys!
8:52:00 PM
FRIDAY 13th, 2009
Today is legendary, worst-day-of-the-year-whatever, FRIDAY 13th!!!
Well, nothing really happened to me today. maybe it's because of FRIENDSHIP DAY that FRIDAY 13th didn't really have effect on me. Received some presents but didn't give any. Major
OOPS! Forgot to get presents.
Anyway, I wasn't really in the mood to celebrate Friendship Day without Denise. What's Friendship Day without your best of best Friends?
I miss Denise!!!
I sort of cheered myself up a little and wanted to give free hugs to some people.
REJECTED! Boo hoo hoo...
Now, really not in the mood.
Lessons as usual...
POP QUIZ! How(sarcastic ) WONDERFUL!!!
LA Comprehension Timed Practice, a.k.a a comprehension graded test. ( optimistic) What a nice Friendship day present!!!
CCA! Softball!!!
( no more sarcastic-optimistic-thingy)
I walked like for a million hours to a place called "Far Far Away Field".
Walked walked walked walked walked walked walked walked.
Seemed like it was an endless path...
I persevered. (Very exaggerating.)
Finally we reached!!! Yippee!!!
Warm up and all those dodo exercises that a KFC chicken should do.
After that, we, the nice, innocent and angelic year ones had to do PHYSICAL TRAINING!
No offense, I have to say this.
Darn coach.
I named it the Torture Cycle.
1. Run 1 round around the WHOLE ENTIRE FIELD. Not only the sand but uneven grass patch too! There were so many bumps and holes that I lost balance and smacked Sing Mei's mouth by accident. SO sorry Sing Mei...
2. You have to throw/catch the hard-like-rock ball(paired with the senior)with bare hands.(x30)
3. Do something like sit up.(x15) Girls' way of push up.(x15) Some "head-up-legs-up-stomach-on-the-ground" thingy.(x15) We had to lie on the EXTREMELY GROSS GRASS to do this things. HELLO!!! Did they notice that some unlucky people like ME have ECZEMA! I was scratching like a dog with a flea after that.
4. A short water break... thank goodness.
Okay. Done? NOOOO!!! That will not be called Torture Cycle if it is only once. The word "cycle" means repeating the same things over and over.
Now can anyone imagine us doing what? Under that big golden 3.30pm to 5.30pm sun! My my!
I lost count of how many time s we did the torture cycle. Never mind...
Halfway through, I finished my water and my throat was as dry as a desert. Oh no!!!
So that was my Friday 13th 2009. Luckily, it wasn't that bad.
11:59:00 PM
Hi guys!
Have not been posting for a few days I think.
Anyway, I hardly have time to sleep now. I am now sacrificing my sleep time to keep this WONDERFUL blog alive.
School just rocks!!! Most of the LOVING teachers shower us with HOMEWORK!!! Yipee!
They even give us surprises, pop quiz!!!
(-not so optimistic- Pop quizes... I failed the Chinese one miserably. The teacher didn't tell us need to memorize that darn thing!!!)
-continue being optimistic-
I saw plenty of red on that wonderful surprise! How nice! The teacher must think that red is my favourite colour!
Isn't life wonderful?
(-the truth now-)
At least Science Society was fun today. It Science Society Orientation! Played some games that involved a lot of science. I am quite disappointed in myself that I only know less than 1% of them all. I must buck up!!!
I miss Denise!!!
11:17:00 PM
Okay... I remembered what I wanted to say... or at least what I want to say now.
I am going to be optimistic about school stuff from now on. :D
I won't forget my tie tomorrow!!! Hope so.
Korean Dramas rocks!!!
I love me.
I love my school! Sort of.
That's all I think.
It kind of cool actually. Just when I decided to be optimistic about school a few days ago, Denise decided to do just that for her Chinese too! Isn't it cool? Buddies for 6 years do have some sort of a connection. :D
Miss you Denise!!!
8:59:00 PM
こんばんは people!!!
Typing Japanese is fun. :D
F.Y.I. , I just said 'good evening'!!!
I am just so happy now for no reason. :D
Life is just FANTASTIC! YAY!
I forgot what I wanted to post.
So さようなら!(This is 'bye'.)
8:18:00 PM
Hi everyone! Due to my mountain of homework for the past few days, I didn't have time to post anything...I didn't even watch my Boys Before Flowers!!! :( So... here I am posting this!!!
Today is the first day of Science Society for me. It was cool. I don't regret at all. YIPEE!
I also don't really regret going for Japanese, unlike some people. Just kidding, no offence to THOSE people! :D
The first day of CCA will be this friday! Can't wait!
The End
I will not live with regrets ever. Mua ha ha ha!
Bye sleep.
9:05:00 PM